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More about the play

The completed work, titled Blue Ticket: Ferries/Fairies Out of Alaska, was selected for readings at the Last Frontier Theater Festival in Valdez, Perseverance Theatre, RKP productions at Cyrano’s in Anchorage, the UAS Power and Privilege Symposium, and the Alaska State Library Archives Museum. Being awarded semifinalist in the 2018 San Francisco Bay Area Playwriting Festival validated my writing and empowered the importance of getting the show to the stage.


Patricia Hull an experienced producer, actor and singer offered to produce and Roblin Gray Davis offered to direct our Juneau premier. It was  staged to sold out audiences at McPhetres Hall from October to November 2019.


I am honored that I was selected as the 2020 featured writer for  Southeast Alaska’s annual Literary and Arts journal, Tidal Echoes. My contribution was a scene from the play.


We appreciate the support we received from the Juneau Community Foundation, the Juneau Arts and Humanities Council and individuals and businesses that donated to our project. We are especially grateful for a history grant from the Juneau Douglas Museum that seeded the reality of moving forward with this project early on, and supports us filming our production for future use beyond our Juneau stage.


Blue Ticket is a full two act play. The script and production rights are available. In the works is a historical novel, so that more people can hear this important story from Alaska's history. 


Please use the contact form for any inquiries.


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© 2020 by Blue Ticket Alaska

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